Well as prices skyrocket and stuff becomes hard to buy some will say "it's due to hoarding". Nope, you idiots (not y'all) , those of us who are prepared have been BUYING FOOD WHEN DEMENTIA JOE STOLE THE ELECTION (watch 2000 mules). I have BEGGED everyone I know to store some food for almost 2 years now. I actually had a friend say "why should I, I don't cook at home, I eat out". WTF? Does he think they have special rights to food? We went to Taco Bell a couple weeks ago (and it's just NOW starting) and could not get a Taco Supreme, they had no freaking lettuce or tomatoes!!!!!
We have at least 2 years of stuff we like to eat stored. All will last 10-20 years. Vacuumed sealed mylar bags with oxygen absorbers in 5 gallon buckets.....65 of them. We are a little slack on canned vegetables (good for decades after "best buy date") we only have about 50 cases of them. It's actually amazing. Salt, sugar, insane amounts as well as many long term spices. I've learned a lot about storing stuff.
All in the "room of technology" with it's own AC unit and kept at 70 degrees.
Now, here comes the thing you all should think about. I have had people say "we know where to come if things get bad". My response?
NOT FEED YOU BECAUSE YOU DID NOT PREPARE. Trying to take what we have would be a very bad mistake. The reason we feel this way is simple.......EVERYONE has been warned about coming shortages. My responsibility is to my family, not to feed leeches who have more money than we had to spend on preparing. The exception is if they have something I want, they may get ONE meal.
So, if I were y'all I'd start storing before you are called a "hoarder". Remember the toilet paper "shortage"? Well, as soon as it was over we bought a years supply more or less. It is just sitting there, we still buy it for use.
One of the coolest things I found is Kraft Mac&Cheese made with powdered butter and powdered milk (we have a shit load of both). We measure and weigh the box and divide in two (perfect size portion) and add the dry powder to the cooked noodles. No water, just wet noodles. I like it better than with real milk and butter!
So there you go. Prepare or not, you'll probably wish you did based on what the dimocrats are doing to destroy the country, one thing for sure is they are doing an excellent job of it.
ps....it's not a good idea to let people know....we don't care, we are not easily robbed but for many/most folks this is not the case.